Monday, September 24, 2007

This is where I introduce myself

I few weeks ago I threw a birthday party for myself and my good friend Brooke. We got to cook for, like, a shit ton of people. It was my first time cooking for a lot of people. I cook for my friends pretty often, and I do most of the cooking when we tailgate for football games. This was the first time I cooked for that many civilized people.

Brooke's older sister Brittany was in attendance. She liked my Mac & Cheese and asked me for the recipe, so I emailed it to her. She is a pastry chef, and apparently keeps a blog about food and stuff so people can look at it and become very hungry. She emailed me this. So that was pretty flattering. It has also inspired me to keep a food blog.

I am going to start blogging about the awesome food I am cooking and eating. I recently purchased the food grinder/sausage stuffer for my kitchenaid mixer. BE WARNED!


Brittany said...

You sir, are now at the top of my blogroll. I can't wait to steal your recipes.....Mmmmm...sausage.

Brittany said...

oh yeah-
Here's a link all food bloggers should have:
It's a forum of food bloggers. You should join. It's neat. Also, you should click on the foodie blogroll on the top right of my page- It will provide you with instructions to join. That way all sorts of food bloggers who are members will see your blog on the list. Then they'll go to it and look at it and stuff. Then their lives will be touched by your inspirational blog.

Brooke said...

You know what might be cool for a food blog? Blogs about food! Get on it, LAZY.